Sunday, February 17, 2013

Anxiety Sucks

    I had another full blown anxiety attack today.  I knew how I was feeling last night, and felt it coming.  I had an overwhelming feeling of sadness all night last night.  I don't know how to avoid getting to the full blown anxiety, but I am starting to recognize the precursors.  I needed someone to talk to.  Called my husband and that's when it ended up on full blown mode.  Then, I feel horrible afterwards.  There is nothing he can say or do to make me feel better, yet I keep on. 
     I may not be sick, but this is indeed life altering.  There are some days that I just don't want to go on.  I wish that anyone dealing with a loved one with anxiety, remember, before all else, that this is not something we wake up to do, it's something we wake up and fight every morning.  
    I'm on 300mg of Wellbutrin.  I've noticed a big difference.  Most days, I'm good.  I'm not crying every day and freaking out over the stupidest things.  But, still with the anxiety attacks.   Ugh.  I'd hate to move up again to 450 mg.  I've been on the 300 for about a month now. I do have good days, but today was a very bad one.  Very, very bad.  I wish I knew what to do.